Why can Operational Activities be transitioned to System Capabilities/Missions?


When right-clicking on an Operational Activity (OA), I may realise a functional transition, but Capella also proposes to transition an OA to a System Capability or a System Mission.

Here are the definitions I have:

  • Operational Activity : Process step or function performed by an Operational Entity on order to achieve some objective.
  • Capability : Ability of the System to provide a service that supports the achievement of high-level operational goals.

Then, how come Operational Activities can be translated, in System Analysis, to Capabilities or Missions?


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First or all, transitions in Capella are just (a tool) to help you with initializing your downstream model (with the traceability automatically initialized). Most of the time, there will be some rework involved at the next level (because if not, what is the point of having different engineering perspectives where you are just duplicating information coming from the previous layer and just refining it? You’d better do everything in one single level).

Second, I want to make something important very clear: the relationship between elements from an upper layer in Arcadia to a downstream layer is a realization relationship. For example, elements in the system analysis are realizing elements from the operational analysis.
So when you say “translated” in your question, you are not using the right term, it is not a translation, it is a transition that initialize a “Realization” link.

Now, given the previous elements, the question you are actually asking is “how come Operational Activities can be realized, in System Analysis, by Capabilities or Missions?”

Well, if a Capability is the ability of the System to provide a service that supports the achievement of high-level operational goals, then by definition, an Operational Activity (that may be a high-level operational goals) may be realized by a service provided by the system (a Capability)

So you may still ask “Why do I have the choice to transition to function or capability or mission”?
Well, it is merely a question of granularity. It depends on what level of granularity you went in your operational analysis. Maybe you kept the Operational activities to a high level, and they may be realized directly by System Missions or System Capabilities (which are themselves described by functional chains or scenarios, so functions…)
Maybe you went at a much finer grain in your operational analysis and some operational activites may be realized by system functions.

I hope that helps!


Thank you @StephaneLacrampe! That enlightened me.

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