Need guidance on Capella usage

Hi Hemanth,

Welcome to Arcadia/Capella!

Please find some answers here:
1 - The tool is not detecting any change because having a different name between functions at different level of engineering is expected. The transition mechanism in Capella is here to help you to initiailize things. But you are actually expected to change this names in general (and not only changing names of course…). If your process is to transition functions and components from one level to another, keeping their names concistents and doing just some refinements (sub componenents, sub-functions), then there is no added value in going through these engineering perspectives, as you end up having all the same elements again and again at each layer with only more refinements. This is not the meaning of the different engineering perspectives in Capella. This is a much longer discussion… some beginning on insights on this on this thread: Why can Operational Activities be transitioned to System Capabilities/Missions?

2- See one way to do it here:

3 - I beleive it is discouraged to change line width of phyisical links as you would also generally create Phyisical Path (“similar” to functional chains) that will alter the width of the line. Nevertheless, you can do it by going to the Property tab and Style sub-tab and change the Size attribute value there (selecting first your physical llink).

4 - I beleive some organizations have this capability in their environment, not sure. There was an open-source attempt to do that as a Capella add-on here: GitHub - labs4capella/cross-level-analysis - I beleive this is not compatible with Capella 7.0 as the only build availalbe are for Capella 1.4.2 / 5.1 / 5.2

I hope this helps.

All the best,

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