How to transform Capella model into Matlab's simulink model

I watched this video lecture on “What if you could simulate your Capella model?” on youtube, the lecture said that the Capella software version that provides the bridge function that Capella to simulink will be released in the future, wondering if this is available now version software? I am currently researching how to transform the Capella functional chain model to the simulink environment as a verification supplement for system modeling. Hope to get help with this model transformation, thanks!

We are still working on the legal aspect to be able to distribute the bridge widely.
Meanwhile, we can connect privately to share it with you.
Best regards,
Pierre Nowodzienski

Hi Pierre… how does your bridge relates or compares to the FMI approach? ?

Pierre, I sent you an email but it was not delivered due to a problem with your email address.
Are you using another email? I would like to get this add-on.

You may contact Simone Bergamo instead.

Do you can send us the Simone Bergamo’s contact?

Yes, I asked to connect with you on LinkedIn, I can give it to you through it.

@StephaneLacrampe Hi, there are updates on the availability of this bridge and where we can find it?

No updates yet from what I know.