I am looking for advice on how to model mechanical components of my system during the Logical and Physical Analysis phases. This is the first time I am developing my own model through these phases.
Essentially, I am looking for advice on how to “organically” add definitions of mechanical components to the Capella model. By organically I mean for it to arise from model components in Operational or System analysis.
I am not allowed describe the system I am modeling, but here is an equivalent one:
Assume I have a home theater center that includes the enclosure, with Audio receiver, DVD player and TV.
Now I want to add a satellite receiver. I need to
Add a shelf to the enclosure to support the receiver
Connect it to the Audio receiver
My question has to do with the shelf that I will need to design and add to the enclosure.
I came up with a following diagram in [MCB] Capabilities:
But I don’t see how to include that in the functional chains of System Analysis.
I can easily add it as a Logical Component, but I don’t see how to link it to System & Operational Analysis. That is advice I am looking for.
Maybe I am just overthinking this and should just add the shelf as a logical component, and not worry how it is derived from System Missions and Capabilies. I may just do that
I found only one example of mechanical components in tutorials: In the toy catapult tutorial mechanical components are derived from high level system functions derived in SA. That does not apply to me.
Logical Components are all realizing one thing from the SA level: your SOI System Component. So if I am not wring, this field is greyed out at the LA level except for your root component that is by default linked to your SA root component (Realized Components link).
Now, I suppose your Logical Component is going to have a function around providing support for the sat receiver, and I also suppose that at the SA level, you may have a function like “Provide a mechanical support for the Satellite receiver” to realize your mission. So there you should find the justification link that your System Mission is realized as all its Functions are.
Let me try this example the correct way. I built a model of a Home Theater from from the ground up. Iam now up to the System Architecture level, and I am focusing on the Home Theater upgrade. I want to understand how to specify the structural properties of the cabinet that holds the communication & power cables and the hardware components.
The Home Theater system provides following two facilities: deliver content, and provide for maintenance and upgrades. I defined the following operational capabilities:
Parenthetically, I am struggling with safety features (bottom left corner). I don’t yet know how to include safety features. (I will take a look at the Train Crossing tutorial).
Finally, here is my definition of the hardware update. Here, the system consists of both the cabinet that holds all the hardware components, and the hardware components themselves.
I am not quite happy with the functions allocated to the system. But I see how they may guide the mechanical/structural design of the Home Theater cabinet, especially once the safety/weight and other constraints are applied.
I will continue with Logical Analysis to see where it leads.
I continued with Logical model of a home theater system, focusing on the mechanical support for all the components.
Here is my [LAB] that captures the physical support, power, and signal. I still need to clean-up the link to System Analysis model - Even such a simple project takes quite a bit of time
I still have not specified how the shelves are held to the enclosure. I will leave the choice of hardware for the PA.
I think see how these can drive specification of the mechanical design.
I just saw the Capella Days talk by Applied Materials (my employer’s one of two favorite competitors) on the physical design and safety evaluation for the Electrostatic Chuck. Gives me good ideas how to proceed. I may yet come back with questions.