Customized font size

I recently presented a Capella model to my group, and my colleagues had a hard time reading the labels.

A recent discussion pointed out that the font size is hard-coded into Capella.

Before I submit a feature request on Capella’s GitHub page I wanted to check if this changes to default font size are planned in a future release of Capella. Or alternatively, maybe there is a really good reason for leaving the font size fixed, so I might as well not pollute the issues list on GitHub.

As a workaround, and if I feel adventurous, I can just change the font size in the XML file itself :slight_smile:

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To my knowledge, this is not in the roadmap.
A couple of workaround ideas:

  • You can select all elements in a given diagram, and then change the font size manually going to the property views
  • it Won’t be difficult to do a Python4Capella script that would automatically change all the font size in all diagrams.


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I am working on Windows 11 with 4K monitors and scaling set to 100%.
Capella Icon size as well as all the menus and fonts are difficult to work with.
I am using other Eclipse based IDE’s, one of which I found reference to a user post pointing to a solution that will allow scalling of most IDE elements, such as icons, menus…

Editing the “Capella.ini” and adding the following parameters help solve some of the issues.:


While it scale the application properly, it does cause some rendering abberrations of the “Components” objects as seen on this screenshot:

The layers which make up the object ( background shadow and gradient color forefront) are moving away of each other based on the magnification level.
Any way this can be fixed (workaround or bug fix)?

Yes, you can look at this thread: Logical Architecture Diagram Component Rendering Issue - #4 by dmccammon
Basically: close Capella - change your screen resolution to 1080p - start capella - change your screen resolution to the one you want/default one