XHTML - project logo


Small question: not clear where to place or configure my “project logo”, for the xhtml documentation generation. Basically, the file generated will appear here: HTML/output/icon/Project.png

I configured a logo file using the “logo path” in the “HTML Documentation Generation” but it doesn’t seem to be working (either using .svg or .png files)?

Any help is welcome. cheers,

the generated XHTML looks for a logo.gif bitmap placed in the folder <generated>/html/img. Unfortunately, it seems that a bug is affecting bitmap conversion, since the logo.gif is empty. As a workaround I recommend to use a gif file for your company logo and after XHTML generation you have to replace the empty logo.gif with your logo.gif.

It worked for me.

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Thanks for this tip, it solved my problem!

I confirm that there is an open issue

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