XHTML add-on export table typo

Since there is no forum specific to the XHTML export add-on project I’ll post this here.
The table that specifies transitions on XHTML export has a typo for “Trigger” field. It is missing an ‘r’ so the label “Tigger” appears on the export.
It seems the “issues” tracker on XHTML github page has never been used so… if any maintainer of the add-on is reading this, can you fix this? It seems to be in the files below:

2020-07-09 16_26_40-Index.png
2020-07-09 16_37_12-Search · tigger · GitHub.png
2020-07-09 16_26_40-Index.png
2020-07-09 16_37_12-Search · tigger · GitHub.png

You are right there is indeed a typo. Thanks for reporting !
Regarding the “issues” tracking we use the Eclipse bugzilla:
https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/enter_bug.cgi?product=Capella (do not forget to set the component field to Gendoc HTML). Thanks for this, I just added a Github issue regarding issues filling !

Thank you for the bugzilla link Arnaud! Just added the issue to the bugzilla tracker.
I won’t bug (pun intended) you guys on the forums again about this :smiley: