Why Realized Components properties of LC is blank while there is a PC realization in semantic browser?

I found this inconsistency in capella 6.1 and 7.0 between properties window and semantic window. The property of realized components in properties window is inactive, besides the root Logical System.
I wonder what makes this difference?

Hello, this does not look like an inconsistency.

The link seen in Semantic Browser is the other way around (eg “realizing”, instead of “realized”)
which means there is a realization link from the Physical Component towards the Logical Component.

If you go to the properties of Physical Component, you will see the Logical Component in “Realized Components”
And in Semantic Browser, when focusing on Physical Component, the Logical Component will appear in the right panel as “Realized Logical Component”


Thanks, I see. The realized components of LC seem to apply to structural entities in upper System Analysis layer. Since there is only one System entity under SA, the property is inhibited for meaningless realization.

For each phase,
Realization links are constrained for Root Component (also called System)

This is an exception, as System (from System Analysis) realizes Logical System, which in turn realizes Physical System