I have an issue because I get warnings.
With the following query, it perfectly works.
sys.implementedInterfaces.implementorComponents->select( stak | stak.actor=true)->at(3).eContainer()
I get the following output :
org.polarsys.capella.core.data.pa.impl.PhysicalComponentImpl@a62989a (id: 51903a3b-0e5b-40f9-9a9b-8dbffc51b585, sid: null) (visibleInDoc: true, visibleInLM: true, summary: null, review: null) (name: Customers, abstract: false, actor: true, human: false, kind: UNSET, nature: NODE)
However, when I want to get the name of the component, It works but with a warning.
PS : In the Sirius Interpreter, I don’t have this warning.
If you have any suggestion, don’t hesitate. Thanks in advance !