When to use Duplicate, Split, Gather?


Can someone point me to documentation on the correct use of Duplicate, Split, Gather? It seems to me that one can achieve the same functionality without these elements, as displayed in the graphic below.

I assume that I am misunderstanding something - and I should just buy the book :slight_smile:


Let’s take your first diagram which is the SPLIT function.

  • On A, B, C, it means that Function A can produce M for B and for C. A has 2 ports, and it may send M on one of this port, or the other, or both of them.
  • On A’, B’, C’, the split function indicates that A’ is producing M’ and sending it on only one port, and then splitting it for simultaneous diffusion to B’ and C’


Thanks. Maybe putting to much burden of operation sequence on architecture diagrams, and I should move some of the specification to scenario diagrams. I’ll think about that.

Yes maybe. Remember functional exchanges are only expressing data-flows (as opposed to control-flows) in Arcadia. Scenario diagrams are an option for introducing sequencing information, that is dependant on the context. You may also use functional chains. When using functional chains, you can also add sequencing information in the Function Chain Description diagram. And then activate the visualization of the sequencing information directly in your architecture diagram by activating the right filter.
Example here with functional chains, sequencing information does not add a lot here since it is the same as data flow

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J’aimerais recouvrir ce poste pour une question complémentaire.

Il est aussi possible de rattacher deux functional exchange sur un seul port (cf image ci-dessous). Cette configuration est-elle différents a l’utilisation d’un split ?


It is not only possible, it is just the right way.
You have a port that provides an information. This can be send to several receiver.
You won’t duplicate this port for every receiver.

See the first answer provided on this thread, it explains the different between your configuration and using a split.

ok, thank you for your reply :slight_smile: !

Hello, what about the other functions (gather, route, select and split)?

Look in the Capella help (Menu Help->Help Contents) and then Capella Guide → Glossary → Functions (Generic) for a detailed definition.


Original poster here. I just got Voirin’s book.

Here is my retelling of the timing of result propagation from the function A,A’,A’’ to functions B&C (based on Sect. 17.6)

When I have more time, I will try to generate scenarios to illustrate the possible timings.