Hello everyone! I’m pleased to announce that I will be the chairman for the next Capella Webinar featuring Gerardo de Jesus Ramirez and Juan Felipe Rios, on 6th February.
Gerardo and Juan are passionate about systems engineering and its implementation through model-based systems engineering (MBSE) and aerospace engineering. During this webinar, they will present the design and validation of an integrated system, consisting of search and rescue drones, using model-based systems engineering (MBSE) with Capella to ensure coordination between mission components.
The use of drones is important in the search and rescue missions, allowing a quick localization of victims thanks to their high-resolution cameras, thermal sensors, and GPS. The use of Capella ensures the correct integration of these drones with other mission systems, such as rescue drones and ground teams, ensuring smooth transfer of critical data like victims’ location and terrain conditions. This optimizes decision-making and real-time coordination, maximizing mission effectiveness. As a firefighter, Gerardo understands the importance of being efficient during rescue missions and sees the potential that these drones could bring.
I expect to see many of you at this webinar as it provides a better understanding of the use of the MBSE approach with Capella in search and rescue missions using drones.
If you have any questions about the webinar and its subject, you may leave them here and they will be asked during the event!
As always, the webinar video replay will be uploaded to YouTube two weeks after the main event, with a first-week access for everyone that answered the post-webinar survey. Every question left unanswered during the event will be posted here with a direct response from Gerardo and Juan.
We’re looking forward to everyone’s presence!
Link to register for the webinar: