Update System To Subsytem or update System from Subsytem

Hi, everyone.

I would like to know if is possible, after you make an SystemToSubsystem (SS) transition, update the SS?

In the Fig 1, you can see the SS.

In the Fig 2, you can see the ‘root’ System.

It’s possible update the SS with the changes in root System?

It’s possible update the root System with new functions, actors, and componets of the SS?

Thank you very much.

Fig 1

Fig 2

It is possible to update the SS with updates coming from the S. The transition is iterative/incremental.
It is not possible to do the other way around. It should be managed by process: The S is defining the contract for the SS, the SS cannot change the contract at the S level.


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Hi @gantuness95,

As @StephaneLacrampe did mention it is possible to update top-down the transitioned system. Bottom-up is a manual update to the “parent” model. As if it was performed in Arcadia bottom-up approach.

You may find useful my article about federated model: Model-Based Federated model with Capella.

I hope it does help,
Hélder Castro

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Thank you so much guys. I was able to do this iterative process. You only need make the System To Subsystem transition again and select your final project. Very nice.