System of System Model for Academic Need

Dear All,

I am looking for a System of System model in Capella to be used in academic context.

In a Master Thesis I would like to compare Capella/ Arcadia approach with SysML/ OOSEM/ EA on behalf of a System of System model.

Thanks a lot for providing a hint to a possible model candidate.

Best wishes


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Dear StephaneLacrampe,

thanks a lot for the link.
The thesis is discussing some similar aspects and will be valuable for me. Many thanks for your hint!

In the meantime I found a System of System example from Sanford Friedenthal and Cristopher Oster.

In “Architecting Spacecraft with SysML” they discuss the modelling of a Spacecraft with SysML using the OOSEM method. The SysML model created with Cameo Modellbuilder is available for download.

The interesting question is now if there is a migration path from SysML to Capella and vice versa.

In the paper “Capella to SysML Bridge: A Tooled-up Methodology for MBSE Interoperability” the way from Capella to SysML is discussed.

The way from SysML to Capella is unfourtenly out of scope of this paper.

Do you know if there such tooling/ methode available for Capella?

On the other hand, how is the interoperabilitiy between Capella and other tools organised?

With best regards

Theodor Jaeger