System Modeling Workbench: How do Capella and Teamcenter interact?

Currently we’re using Team for Capella, with models hosted on a Git repository on a server. I’m not up-to-speed with Git for versioning, so the actual exporting of baselines is done with another file management system.

I’m looking into the add-on System Modeling Workbench (SMW) for Teamcenter to bring the architecture closer to the designer. However the datasheet is quite brief.

How does the Eclipse Capella model and Teamcenter SMW interact? For example:

  • For system parameters, does the source of truth become Teamcenter? Or if I am using PVMT to manage properties in Capella, are there some manual import/export steps between tools?
  • For requirements, if I’m using the Requirements Viewpoint in Capella, is there a master source, or do they stay sync’d with Teamcenter?
  • Is it a view-only solution like XHTML, or is the model built and edited in the Teamcenter Active Workspace environment?
  • If I’m using Team for Capella and a Git server repository, is this add-on still needed to collaborate, and is Git still needed, or can Teamcenter serve the same functions?

If you have any detailed resources to help understand this add-on, I’d be greatly appreciative.

Hello @Epictetus !

Please note that the Capella forum is probably not the right place to ask questions about SMW, you should in general turn to Siemens to ask your questions.
Please find my (short) answers below, I hope it’ll help, and please consider asking further questions to Siemens in the future :slight_smile:

For system parameters, does the source of truth become Teamcenter? Or if I am using PVMT to manage properties in Capella, are there some manual import/export steps between tools?

Parameters are managed by Teamcenter and Teamcenter is the source of truth. Parameters are synchronized within the Capella models as plain PropertyValueGroups, no need of PVMT.
There is no integration yet between PVMT and PropertyValueGroups used for Teamcenter Parameters.

For requirements, if I’m using the Requirements Viewpoint in Capella, is there a master source, or do they stay sync’d with Teamcenter?

Teamcenter is the source of truth for Requirements. Only links between requirements and Capella elements can be edited within the Capella model, not the requirements themselves.
New requirements can be created with the hosted ActiveWorkspace view. New or existing requrements can be dragged and dropped into the Capella model to created links.

Is it a view-only solution like XHTML, or is the model built and edited in the Teamcenter Active Workspace environment?

Capella is the sole authoring tool for Capella models. When published to Teamcenter, the RFLP structure of the (subset of) Capella model cannot be modified.
If needed, titles, summary, and description of objects can be edited in Teamcenter and synced with Capella. The published RFLP structure that translates the Capella model into Teamcenter data model becomes the source of truth for downstream consumers, while the authoring is performed in SMW using the Arcadia method and Capella tooling.

If I’m using Team for Capella and a Git server repository, is this add-on still needed to collaborate, and is Git still needed, or can Teamcenter serve the same functions?

Team for Capella will still be needed, and we recommend to use git as well. We have some slides about the recommended workflow between SMW, Team for Capella, Git, and Teamcenter.

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Hi there! Hope everyone is well!
Thank you @Epictetus for the question & @LaurentDelaigue for the concise answer… Interestingly, we have the same issue/query… Just wondering if someone could point me to the slides regarding the recommended workflow you mentioned please?? Best Regards