(System Component) [Actor] is non Human but realizes Human Components

Hi I’m quite new to capella.
during my first project i run against this error/warning during model validation.

(System Component) [Actor] is non Human but realizes Human Components. | Warning | I_42 | null | Capella/Integrity

what i’m doing wrong here and how to solve?

So it means that in the Operational Analysis (OA) phase, you created a Human Actor. Then you probably initialized the Human System Analysis (SA) phase from the content of the OA, so a “realization link” was created between the System Actor and the original one (Operational Actor). But somehow you may then have changed this System Actor to make it non-human, so Capella is warning you that it may be abnormal that you have in your model an Operation Human Actor that is realized by a non human at the SA level.

Hi stephan,

thanks for the quick reply,I found the check box on the system actor “is human” which was unchecked. :slight_smile: