Suggestions on OS ReqIF Software to use w Capella

Hello Capella/Arcadia community,

I was wondering if anyone would be able to offer suggestions or let me know your preferences in open source requirements software that can read/write ReqIF documents as a nice complement to Capella, or do you handle all of the requirements within Capella? A few things come up with an internet search but as always with open source and freeware in general I like to see what people who’ve used a tool would recommend.


Sorry this may no longer be helpful, but I’ve been experimenting with ReqIF Studio software to author a ReqIF based specification. Mainly to work on what parts of the requirements I would like to see imported into Capella using the Requirements Viewpoint Addon. Eventually, we will take these learnings to adapt our primary requirements tool (PTC Integrity). As a simple editor, I have found the open source ReqIF Studio to be quite good for creating a simple requirements document, but with the ability to help me populate the default fields of the Capella requirements element.

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