SOLVED - Linking "Blank" Diagrams that have been created independently


I have made the mistake of creating a Physical Architecture Blank from the “Create a new Physical Architecture Diagram” in the Activity Browser.

In reality I should have selected that component in one of the Physical Component Breakdown (PCBD) diagrams and right clicked and selected New > Physical Architecture Blank. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Is there a way to retrospectively allocate the PAB to the right Node Component in the properties or semantic editor so that I don’t have to recreate the entire diagram again as this will take a considerable amount of time.


I just discovered that you can drag and drop diagrams into the appropriate area and the relationship is created successfully!

So I was able to drag my blank PAB diagram from the top level and drop it into the correct physical node component. :sunglasses:


Another option (less efficient than the one you found) would have been to recreate a diagram where you initially wanted, and then copy and paste the layout from your other diagram on it.

Thanks Stephane for your response!

Unfortunately I had put tens of hours into this particular diagram, and wasn’t sure whether a copy and paste of the layout would be successful…next time it happens I’ll be sure to give it a go!

Thanks again.