Setting the values/names of a Boolean Property Value

I have been experimenting with the function (PropertyValue()), and was able to create a BooleanPropertyValue, with this:


The problem comes when I try to set its name or value.
This problem does not seem to appear with a StringPropertyValue (Default type attributed to a Property value). Indeed if we created a property Value and gave it NO type, such as:


Well everything works as intended, both of the functions above work. set_name() works okay because the PropertyValue class inherit from the class CapellaElement I believe. And set_value() works, because it is one of the functions of the class PropertyValue.
However, it seems neither of thiese functions would work for a BooleanPropertyValue?

Let’s take a look at the class, click to expand:

PropertyValue Class:
class PropertyValue(CapellaElement):
    A generic property with a name and value which can be added to Capella elements
    def __init__(self, java_object = None, kind = "StringPropertyValue"):
        if java_object is None:
            if kind in ["BooleanPropertyValue", "EnumerationPropertyValue", "FloatPropertyValue", "IntegerPropertyValue", "StringPropertyValue" ]:
                JavaObject.__init__(self, create_e_object("" + capella_version(), kind))
                raise ValueError("kind must be either \"BooleanPropertyValue\", \"EnumerationPropertyValue\", \"FloatPropertyValue\", \"IntegerPropertyValue\", or \"StringPropertyValue\"")
        elif isinstance(java_object, PropertyValue):
            JavaObject.__init__(self, java_object.get_java_object())
            JavaObject.__init__(self, java_object)
    def get_kind(self):
        return self.java_object.eClass().getName()
    def get_value(self):
        return self.get_java_object().getValue()
    def set_value(self, value):
    def get_valued_elements(self):
        return create_e_list(self.get_java_object().getValuedElements(), CapellaElement)
    def get_type(self):
        value =  self.get_java_object().getType()
        if value is None:
            return value
            e_object_class = getattr(sys.modules["__main__"], "EObject")
            specific_cls = e_object_class.get_class(value)
            return specific_cls(value)

As I understand it, the default “kind” is StringPropertyValue.
Whenever I try to define another kind such as a Boolean (See the code at the beginning of this post (PV9=…), the functions set_name and set_value seems to not work maybe?

Maybe I am doing something wrong. Please enlighten me if I missed anything.
Thank you.

Edit: To be clear, here is the message error I get:

#print(PV9.java_object.eClass().getName()) # does not work (ERROR 1)
PV9.set_value(TRUE)#("TEST") #Error message (ERROR 2)

Error 1 is as follows:

File “L/Python4Capella/sample_scripts/NewScript5_2306_”, line …, in
AttributeError: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘eClass’

Error 2 is like this:

File “L/Python4Capella/sample_scripts/NewScript5_2306_”, line …, in
File “L/Python4Capella/simplified_api/”, line 478, in set_value
AttributeError: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘setValue’
(PV9.set_value(True) and PV9.set_value(true), do not work neither)

The constructor you are trying to use needs two parameters:

PV9=PropertyValue(None, "BooleanPropertyValue")

The first parameter is a JavaObject when None is passed Python4Capella will create it.

There is also a bug in the Python4Capella API, you should replace the implementation of PropertyValue.get_value() by this:

    def get_value(self):
        if self.java_object.eClass().getName() == "BooleanPropertyValue":
            return self.get_java_object().isValue()
            return self.get_java_object().getValue()

This handle the specific case for BooleanPropertyValue. I opened the following issue:

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Everything works fine now. Thank you.
I modified the implementation of PropertyValue.get_value() as suggested, thanks.