Setting requirements attributes with Python4Capella

I was trying to exploit Python4Capella to set some attributes owned by requirements in my model, the script that I wrote is something like this:

# include needed for the Capella modeller API
if False:
    from simplified_api.capella import *
# include needed for the requirement API
if False:
    from simplified_api.requirement import *
# include needed for utilities
if False:
    from utilities.CapellaPlatform import *
# include needed for the PVMT API
if False:
    from simplified_api.pvmt import *

# change this path to execute the script on your model (here is the IFE sample). 
# comment it if you want to use the "Run configuration" instead
aird_path = '/TMS_test_5/TMS_test_5.aird'

model = CapellaModel()

# gets the SystemEngineering and print its name
se = model.get_system_engineering()

for req in se.get_all_contents_by_type(Requirement):
    if str(req.get_id())=='1':
        if req.get_java_object().getOwnedAttributes() != None:
            for att in req.get_java_object().getOwnedAttributes():
                if str(att.getDefinition().getReqIFLongName())=='Value':

Checking the in the simplified_api on my device it turns out that the “set_attribute” function for requirements exists but it just raises an error:

    def set_attribute(self, attributeName, value):
        status: KO
        raise AttributeError("TODO")

It’s this issue being solved or there is another way to do that?
Thank you

This method is not implemented yet. I opened this issue: