Requirement Traceability with external tool - Polarion

Hello everyone,
I am new to Capella and i am looking for a way to link subparts of a model in Capella with an external requirement modelling tool (Polarion in my case). I have already explored the requirements plugin within Capella but this only allows to import a reqif file to internally link requirements.
Is it already possible to link external requirements within Capella or is there any plugin which allows me to do this?
Thank you in advance for some help on this.

In Thales at this stage, we use a COTS (Reqtify). In the open source world, experiments have been made a while ago with ReqCycle, but I have no idea about the maturity of this component.
There are several
starting initiatives in different contexts:
Connection of Capella with Siemens TeamCenter
Connection of Capella with Intercax Syndeia
Connection of Capella with a Sodius-developed OSLC hub