ReqIF Studio Export to Capella Input issues

Hi all,
Apologies if I’m missing something fundamental, but I’ve been through this forum and others and haven’t found an answer; hoping someone here can help!
I’m looking to use an external software solution for the main requirement administration tool (as per the recommendation in the Capella Help file to use something like DOORS). I came across the ReqIF Studio and managed to get that working. They have an excellent example of a .reqif file for the rail industry (ReqIF Studio Demo File (Example from the Rail Industry) - which opens great in ReqIF Studio, however when I try to import it into Capella (either through ReqIF Studio or directly) I just seem to import blank requirements (albeit in the correct folder structure) when using the Requirement VP addon.
I’m just trying to find a ‘Gold standard’ of a reqif structure that I can use going forward…that can be easily exported and imported between Capella and ReqIF Studio (if that eventually works).

Does anyone have any tips/tricks to make the import work? Any other solutions?

Note that I’m using the latest and greatest of all the software releases as far as I can tell.

Thanks in advance

Hi Geoffrey,

How did you import the reqif file into Capella. Did you follow this tutorial ?

Be sure that the version of your reqIF is accepted by the requirement add-on of Capella. From what I remember, only the version 1 uncompressed, of reqif is supported.

Hope it will help,

=> Preferences => Capella => Requirements => Importer

There you can/must define the ReqIF-attributes that shall be imported from the reqif-file.
You can define and add your own attributes and add them by a .properties-file above.

The properties file should be in this format:

A text file named “”

The format of properties inside the .properties file should be similar to the below

Object\ Identity:true
Module\ Type: true

Hi Geoff,

Welcome to this forum! I wouldn’t recommend using ReqIF Studio for any serious project, it’s basically a dead project with the last update done 6 years ago. Plus the user experience in it is awful IMO.

The rail example actually comes from GitHub - morido/subset026reqif: ETCS Subset026 as reqif, but these ReqIF files are generated from Word docs and have broken formatting and/or hierarchy randomly in them, so they might not be the best gold standard.

I would recommend using ReqView for managing requirements. It exports ReqIF files compatible with Capella and you can do iterative updates to keep the Capella model in sync. You can find detailed instructions at Export Requirements to ReqIF | ReqView.

If you’re interested in the structure of ReqIF files, you can export the example project that comes with ReqView, ZIP-extract the resulting .reqifz file and inspect the .reqif files. VSCode with RedHat XML extension can nicely format it, validate against schema etc. Hope this helps.


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Awesome thanks Richard. This is exactly the information I was after. It’s so hard (as a newby) to know what is ‘latest and greatest’ or what is abandonware…

I’ll look into ReqView now.

Thanks again

Hi Nicolas, yes I did. Sounds like it’s no longer well supported so i’ll try ReqView instead. Thanks for your response

Hi Josh/haage, Ok thanks for this. I saw this option there but wasn’t sure how to use it. Have you got an example file that you could send through please?

You have the documentation of the property file of the reqif add-on here

Just wanted to point out that ReqView 2.19.1 now includes a generated .properties file with all custom attribute names in ReqIF export when Export for Capella MBSE option is checked.