pxDoc v1.1.1 (document generation tool) has been released

Dear all,
We are pleased to announce the release of pxDoc v1.1.1, a new way of producing Word documents! (and PowerPoint presentations in a near future)
only ~30 keywords added to the Java world, pxDoc provides you with a dedicated, simple and powerful programming language entirely designed and thought to facilitate and accelerate the implementation of your specific document generators.
Since pxDoc works at the Java level directly,
you can take any Java object as input for your generation:
Data from your models (UML, MBSE, BPMN…)
Data from your databases
Data from your test reports, build reports…
Data from anywhere in your IS system…
pxDoc generates Word .docx files natively, with high performance and quality levels.
Easy to learn and implement
Easy to maintain
Opened to any data that can be accessed through Java (db, files, services, etc.)
Document generators can be implemented independently of any particular Word stylesheet (dotx) to maximize their reusability
Generation scripts can be reused from one generator to another
Design complex table with automatic vertical merge capability
Specify “manual parts” that will not be erased when re-generating the document
Apply styles directly from your corporate Word stylesheets (dotx)
Fully integrated in Eclipse (auto-completion, correction, debugging…)
pxDoc engine can create thousands of pages and documents in seconds
Capability to generate multiple documents at once (e.g. one document per element type, architecture…)
Enablers available for Eclipse, EMF, Capella, Sirius, Papyrus and others to come soon
Implement your own enablers, diagram providers, language renderers for your specific environment
A dedicated Capella enabler is available, including examples (full model generation, logical architecture). This enabler allows to:
Include Capella Diagrams (request by name, by type, according to the VisibleInDoc property…) with their name and description
Render the HTML description of your model elements
Get any data from your Capella models with simplified but powerful requests directly at Java level
And remember, pxDoc is not limited to Capella: you can use it with any source data accessible with Java!
Have a look at
https://www.pxdoc.fr and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any difficulties starting with pxDoc:
fun with pxDoc!
First, install the required XText SDK (update-site https://www.eclipse.org/Xtext/download.html)
Install pxDoc (update-site: http://www.pxdoc.fr/updates/releases)
Install the Capella integration (update-site: http://www.pxdoc.fr/updates/pxdoc-capella/releases)