Mass views exports

Hello @Thierry_Poupon ,
Concerning EIE type, you can use something like this :
For EIE in all_EIE:
EIE_Type = EIE.get_type()
EIE_Type_elem = EIE_Type[0].get_name()

Best regards,


Thanks Sophie

Hi Sophie
Iā€™m trying to get the list of SCE: System Component exchanges:
I managed to get those outgoing from system actorsā€¦ but now I need to append the ones outgoing from systemā€¦ (Some CE are crossing from one actor to the next, so O canā€™t really take the inputs without having doublons)
Then for system: I tried to reuse same as for actors, but it does not workā€¦

Currently this script has already 3 loops and 3 browses because I had to use component ports

The ā€œget_outgoing component_exchange()ā€ donā€™t run: issue in

Thanks for any helpā€¦
May be Iā€™ll try to save a loop and run with connected componenent from CEā€¦

Last try with this kind of script:

for elem_SAC in all_SAC:
Acteur = elem_SAC

#SACOGCE = elem_SAC.get_outgoing_component_exchanges()
#print('found sourced CE')
ACPort = elem_SAC.get_contained_component_ports()
for elem_CP in ACPort:
    if SACPO == "OUT" or SACPO == "INOUT":
        for elem_CE in SACOGCE:
            i = i + 1  
            worksheet.cell(row = i, column = 1).value = elem_CE.get_name()

for elem_SYS in All_SYS:
SYSCPort = elem_SYS.get_contained_component_ports()
for elem_CP in SYSCPort:
for elem_CE in SYSOGCE:
i = i + 1
worksheet.cell(row = i, column = 1).value = elem_CE.get_name()

Python wants a ā€œselfā€ as argument in get_contained_component_ports(self), but this generates another one, I tried as well the string ā€˜selfā€™ but the string doesnā€™t fit either.
So now I try yours for EIEā€¦

Here is the result:

py4j.Py4JException: An exception was raised by the Python Proxy. Return Message: Traceback (most recent call last):
File ā€œC:\c520x\capella\plugins\org.eclipse.ease.lang.python.py4j_0.7.0.I201907020902\pysrc\ease_py4j_main.pyā€, line 186, in runcode
exec(compiled, self.locals)
File ā€œL/Python4Capella/Scripts for MAEVA/Export_MAEVA_EI-EIE.pyā€, line 117, in
return _pyease_ListConverter().convert([
File ā€œL/Python4Capella/simplified_api/capella.pyā€, line 202, in get_element_type
AttributeError: TODO

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File ā€œC:\c520x\capella\plugins\py4j-python_0.10.9.3-bnd-2odeag\src\py4j\clientserver.pyā€, line 581, in _call_proxy
return_value = getattr(self.pool[obj_id], method)(*params)
File ā€œC:\c520x\capella\plugins\org.eclipse.ease.lang.python.py4j_0.7.0.I201907020902\pysrc\ease_py4j_main.pyā€, line 335, in executeScript
return self.executeCommon(code_text, self.interp.runcode, filename)
File ā€œC:\c520x\capella\plugins\org.eclipse.ease.lang.python.py4j_0.7.0.I201907020902\pysrc\ease_py4j_main.pyā€, line 313, in executeCommon
execution_result = code_exec(code_text, filename)
File ā€œC:\c520x\capella\plugins\org.eclipse.ease.lang.python.py4j_0.7.0.I201907020902\pysrc\ease_py4j_main.pyā€, line 213, in runcode
except Exception:
TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed

at py4j.Protocol.getReturnValue(
at py4j.reflection.PythonProxyHandler.invoke(
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy25.executeScript(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.ease.lang.python.py4j.internal.Py4jScriptEngine.internalExecute(
at org.eclipse.ease.lang.python.py4j.internal.Py4jScriptEngine.execute(
at org.eclipse.ease.AbstractScriptEngine.inject(

Have a good WE

Hello @Thierry_Poupon ,
you can use as an alternative to get outgoing component exchanges : capella_query_by_name(e_object,ā€˜Outgoing Component Exchangesā€™).
To see the available query, you can use available_query_names(e_object).

For ā€˜get_contained_components_ports()ā€™, do you have an error with elem_SYS.get_contained_components_ports()?

Best regards


I understood that system is not an item but a singleton where a system element isā€¦
This is causing me an additional browse and loop while getting modes and states.
For SCE, what I did is pretend I wanted all CE, then add them on list when connected component was system actor. Doing this, SCE between system actors are seen twice. I solve it in the excel part by removing duplicates while reading export. The constraint there is not to have several with the same name.
I consider this point as solved.
Thanks anyway :slight_smile:
I tried to continue exchange items checksā€¦
Iā€™m still missing a solution that alerts untyped EIE, and for untyped properties should be OK, butā€¦
Reference value seems to be a project alone: each kind has to be separate (boolean; enumeration; string and numerical). On the other hand I couldnā€™t get the list of literals for each detail kind (some donā€™t have like physical quantities, they use numerics which have unitsā€¦)
Class operation parameter is toot complicated for the moment, and needs imbricated loopsā€¦ parameter have no accessible attribute.
As you can see, itā€™s not finished!
To come back to state machines: in my project I have a governed (modes driven by system of interest) way bigger than system of interest (which is ā€œsystemā€), so under system I have one state machine for the governed system lifecycle (with 2 main regions), one mode machine for its modes (with 2 main regions), then the mode machine for my systemā€¦ each time I have imbricated mode or states.
The target is to lists all modes or states for each machine, and then check the traces linking governed system phase; governed system mode and system of interest modes.
Next step is to check that system functions involved in required capacity during a phase are woken up by the relevant system of interest modeā€¦ (then Iā€™m speaking only about system, not actors)ā€¦
In this part I just beginā€¦
Many thanks again for your support and your time
Best regards

Hi there,
As mentionned in preceding answer to Sophie Plazanet, Iā€™m looking for a way to find incoming traces to states (and modes which seems to be same class).
There is no get_traces in states, and Iā€™m lacking B-planā€¦
Thanks for any help.

Hello @Thierry_Poupon ,
You can use capella_query_by_name(e_object,ā€˜Outgoing Generic Tracesā€™) et capella_query_by_name(e_object,ā€˜Incoming Generic Tracesā€™).

Best regards


Thanks Sophie
Can you tell me more about exact syntax?
Edit1: Could this work for EI mechanism or data type?
Edit2: Found the syntax, incoming works, not outgoing but thatā€™s enough for me.

Hi there
Iā€™m still looking to get the typing element of parameters, reference valuesā€¦
So far parameters seem to have not data field accessible, neither trough python functions , capella queryā€¦ I tried to take it the other way round, from detail to what they type: the table is empty. Thinking again, the relation ā€œtypingā€ has several item class at the origin and several at the targetā€¦ on one side you have EIE, Class properties, collections, on the other side you have classes, collections, details (booleans; enumeration; strings, numerics; physical quantities)ā€¦ may be separately you have referenced values to literals, and then the relation between literals and the detail they belong toā€¦
I just noticed that trying to get values belonging to numerics, I had an error message about Physical quantitiesā€¦
Thanks for any help


Hi there!
Does someone have a clue about how much table export we can add in the same script:
I was trying to assembly them all and save browsing timeā€¦ but the result is still not complete and has already 8 browse operations, creates 12 excel files.
The point is it ran into infinte loop with an incident about memory size.
Should I see a link?
Thanks for answers

Wouaw, this sounds so heavy.
By the way, I donā€™t know if you are exporting using Mass view or a python script, if you are using a script then I could say this:
be careful with the function (get_all_contents_by_type()), try instead getting into the data directly and adding them into a list, instead of using the function.

Donā€™t know if thatā€™s of any help.
Good luck with it.

Best R

In fact I used bothā€¦ csv exports are stronger but you need to perform again and again a painful selection that is forgotten each time you close the bench.
Here Iā€™m speaking about scripts.
There are two reason for assemblying my scripts: launch all at once, and save browsing operations.
I have seen already that in fact you just need the one for the initial tableā€¦ but I did not yet audit which "get_all_content_by _type()) I could remove.
So far I couldnā€™t avoid to build the name list, then add a second field in another file (name+2nd filed)*, then if I need a third one restart another (name+3rd field).
Thus, in the Excel part I need to append or joint the results to build the complete picture. My Excel model analysis systems runs 5 books containing something like 50 sheets, including data import, joints, appends, pivotsā€¦
My aim is detect inconsistent EI nature to FE (air in electronic network); unused EI; FE; CE (univoked in scenarios; empty); relations life phase to mode: ensure involved functions are active while capabilities are required. All this is not in validation toolā€¦

Thanks for your response
(*) If I donā€™t, I get only the list having something in the second field and what I want to see mostly is those having it emptyā€¦



You are generating this using mass or just a script?

If I am understanding this correctly, your problem is jointing all this files in one single one? (which takes too much long time)
I guess i would suggest to make one single excel (with python) that contains them all, then generates it once by runing the script once. Maybe that would remove your problem.

I do this because I do not find empty secondary fieldā€¦ I want FE that have no category, or CE allocating nothing: If I run a complete matrix, I couldnā€™t have the incomplete rows, so I need the key list to compare.
Anyway this part is big but easy in Excel
Before with the csv, I took the almost complete matrix (without long texts) and picked up the columns I used in SQL queries in Excel. But This process needed 20 tables to do it all, some being painful to select like states; function instances and scenarios; or exchanges; data types and property value group that takes variant data in my modelā€¦


Some screen shots (without revealing the confidential names/words), could prove really helpful.