Mass (Add-on) Unit

Dear All,

is the mass unit per default the kilogram in the mass add-on ? I find no information in the add-on user manual. Additionally, is there a way to define/change the mass unit ?

Hi Maissa,

The basic addons (masse, price, etc.) are aptly named.
Their main purpose is to demonstrate Capella’s extensibility and provide examples of viewpoint development. They are used for awareness-raising and training purposes.

So, to answer the question more precisely. As is, there are simply no precise units defined in this addon, just a numerical value associated with “mass”.
Nevertheless, it would typically be a relevant enhancement to add a unit system.


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Thanks Samuel! Now I know that I have to precise the unit differetly then. By the way it is also not possible to write decimal values in the mass, so I was obliged to put the nearest integer value.