I am using Capella 6.1 with M2DOC 3.3.0. I have been using it so far on a shared version (Team4 Capella) but need a local version for specific topics. However I get errors in the validation file: e.g. “can’t find EPackage: http://www.polarsys.org/capella/cybersecurity/1.0”. In the template property, I have this package listed in the nsURI (expert) thus I don’t understand the problem. Thanks.
Hi Thomas,
You need the plugin declaring the metamodel to be installed in your local Capella. Your addon is probably provided via an update site, make sure you installed it in your Capella.
If the template has been created/edited in an other Capella it was possible to add the given nsURI if the addon was installed in that environment.
Thanks Yvan for your answer but I am a bit confused. Maybe to clarify: I have capella installed locally on another PC . I installed the M2DOC 3.3.0 (I also tried 3.3.2) plugin via help/Install new software (indeed the zip file is provided via a so-called update site). No error for the installation. Then I generate the conf file (same M2DOC template than the one used on T4C), can it be the error I am making? Do I need to create a dedicated M2DOC template for the local Capella installation?
The missing metamodel is not part of M2Doc. It is part of a Capella addon you use, this is this update site you need to install. After a quick search it seems to be this addon. You can find a list of releases with the corresponding update sites. You need to install the version 2.1.1 for Capella 6.1.0.
Let me know if it helps.