Issue with realized exchange when transitioned from System to Logical Architecture

I have transitioned a function from System Analysis to Logical Architecture function (it becomes a realized function).
In the logical architecture, I create a few sub-functions from the realized function.
I understand that in Capella, only the leaf function/functions should have ports.
When I do that, I am warned by Capella about the functional exchange is connected to the parent function.
Hence, I moved the functional exchange to one of the leaf function.
However, if I performed the transition from SA to LA. It will reinstate the port back to the parent function.
Do I have to keep track to it manually using diff/merge?
In my situation, assigning the realized functional exchange to one of the leaf functions is not very suitable, as the name/information of the realized functional exchange does not accurately describe the input to the sub-function. Should I use a dummy function as a terminator?
Please advice if there is a better way to resolve this issue.
Thank you

I don’t really like how the transition behaves in that case.
2 options for you:

  1. Add a realization link from the leaf function in LA towards the function is SA. The next transition should not try to move the port anymore
  2. Reject the change in the transition (the “purple” change on the port container (see attached picture)

Thank you Stephane.

I have the same issue…
Started to evaluate Capella, no time up to now. I thought that, with Capella, I would leave some flaws of SysML traditional tooling, where each model element should be added manually if no dedicated add-on… Usually it seems it is the case for Capella but not in that situation…
This is very surprising, because the functionnal decomposition appears to be one KEY aspect of Arcadia methodology, and not supported when moving a functional port to a sub-function… and transitioning again to do iterative modeling.
hope you will fix this aspect soon.
For the moment, i workaround by manually unsellecting these functions. Works for little model… less possible with bug one’s