Is there a way to extract the list of classes that Capella Studio shows on this list?

After the “Extend” command, Capella Studio does display a list of classes or Eclass’es from which to choose, such as in this following picture:

  • I was wondering if it was possible to extract the contents of the drop-down menu? Extract the pop-up window descriptions? The link between them?



For this one, i would recommend rather to use the Interpreter view and the Expert Properties view rather than browsing the metamodel to look to relevant relationship between elements.
When clicking on the element you want to extends, you can retrieve it’s type with the interpreter view, aql:self.eClass().name for instance.

Here, if i click onto a SystemFunction,

You can also use the “Type Hierarchy” view, (Ctrl+Shift+T on Package Explorer to open SystemFunction, then on the editor, Open Type / F4)

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