Is it possible to create a System Functions - Requirements Matrix with Requirements imported from DOORS with Requirements Viewpoint Add-On?

Hi all,

I have installed the Requirements Viewpoint add-on to import my requirements in ReqIF format from DOORS. Once in Capella, I have allocated them to System Functions. However, if I try to create a System Functions - Requirements Matrix, the Requirements seems not to be identified and the matrix columns do not appear. Is it possible to create such a matrix with non-Capella native Requirements, such as those imported from DOORS? I strongly believe this shall be possible to do as if they can be used in diagrams, it should also be possible to use them in a matrix.

Thanks in advance!

Hi Carlos,
I don’t think this is possible - the “native” requirements in Capella are legacy, so are the matrixes.
I think the easiest way to build your matrixes is to use Python 4 Capella scripting.

Thanks for the quick answer Stephane. That is a pity, I feel that should be a basic functionality of the add-on! Will look into what you suggest regarding Python4Capella :slight_smile:

I guess you can also view things using the Mass Visualization view, but you won’t get a matrix with it, so using Python4Capella is probably the way to go.

Hi @Carlos_Redondo, that’s true that it is not possible to have a matrix, but Mass visualization view and editing views provides many other features that can be useful when analysing requirements in Capella:

  • If requirements attributes are defined and imported to Capella, attributes can be edited one-by-one or is bulk. However, requirements attributes should be managed in Doors.
  • Verify the correct traceability. This step is quite useful to verify traceability between requirements and Capella model elements. That is, a functional requirement may be linked to a functional element (e.g. system function). In the mass viewing it can be verified the textual requirement attribute (e.g. functional), if available, against the model element - system function.
  • Sort elements, requirements in the Mass Viewing can be sorted. That is, dragging and grouping columns just above the table “Drag columns here to group by columns values”, is another way to sort and analyse requirements in the model.

I also find Mass Viewing Capella feature quite interesting to then export to .csv file. After traceability is performed, from Mass Viewing, we do export requirements and traceability to a .csv file. Then import it back to Doors. This will close roundtrip loop between Doors and Capella.

I did write a LinkedIn article Model-Based System Engineering and textual requirements traceability that explains the process in a high-level, if you wish to read.

This is an interesting topic, if you wish to discuss further.

I hope that helps.

We are now exploring Python4Capella capabilities for textual requirements in Capella.

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Dear Helder,

Sorry for the late reply, I have not entered in the forum during this time. Indeed, we are pretty much aware of the functionalities of mass visualization and editing views, however these are “temporal” and cannot be saved over capella log-ins. This makes the requirements/model elements traceability matrix a bit unconvenient as every time one needs to select the requirements elements, send them to these tables and configure them. However, I agree that at this moment it is the only solution we have, until we explore what Python4Capella may bring to the table :slight_smile:

I will have a look at your publication to get some extra insights that might be helpful.

Best Regards,

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