Is it possible to add a dropings to a runtime in Capella Studio?

I am having a hard time adding addons to my capella instance (Runtime).

  1. I added all the dropings needed to my Capella Studio droping folder.

  2. running the runtime → opening Viewpoint Management, will only simulate the viewpoint that I AM creating in Capella studio, so at all times i have only one viewpoint available in the list:

  3. Trying to force adding/intalling the dropings through the menu > help > install… will show this pop up:

Is there some other way, should i check the dependencies of my Capella Studio RUNTIME configuration? I can’t seem to find the solution.

best regards


Depending on how your development environment this may be done in different ways:

  • To allow installation from update sites on your runtime, take a look at your Run Configuration and check the dedicated box.
  • If the dropin have been added to your Capella Studio but are not present in the Runtime, then either
    • the dropin cannot be activated by Capella Studio (dependencies issues) but it should not be the case is the dropin version is adapted to the Capella Studio/Capella version.
    • or the Run Configuration does not includes the dropin plugins. This may happen if you have launched your Runtime a first time and after some time restarted Capella Studio with the dropin. In order to check this, maybe recreate a new Run Configuration or in the “Plug-ins” tab of the run configuration add the dropin plugins by selecting the “plug-ins selected below only” and checking the dropin plugins:


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I checked the “Support Software…” box and it worked indeed.
However, even with the Capella Requirement Add-on activated, i was not able to add a “Capella Module” (which can contain newly created Requirement objetcs), into my architecture. (Right Click on an arch → add Capella Element → Capella Module)

Instead, i would get this:

Instead, i had to open the project with CAPELLA, add the Capella Module, THEN, open the project with the CS runtime, to be able to have a Capella module in my runtime project. Otherway, it is not possible to add it through CS runtime, eventhough i had activated the add-on and still being activated. I wonder if that’s normal behaviour?

Seeing your second screenshot, it seems that the view you use to browse your capella model is the default “Project Explorer” image and not the Capella “Project Explorer” image
(as in the first capture), this may be the reason for the menu not being here.


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