Invisible Actor - Operational Capability "Involvement" link


(Post edited following Stephane’s reply)

One of my colleagues is trying out Capella (he is on 6.0).

He created the Operational Capabilities diagram with OC’s and Actors.

He creates an involvement link between the Operational Capability and an Actor. However this link is not visible in the diagram.

However, the linkage is present in the Semantic Browser.

I checked filtering, and the “Hide Involvement Links” is not checked.

Also, the “Select All Connectors” is grayed out: The middle option in the diagram below is grayed out.


(I use the diagram above to identify the Selection tool. It is not a screenshot from my colleague’s Capella session.).

Are there any other settings where this link is made invisible?

Thank you,

Maybe the “Hide Involvement Links” filter is activated on the diagram?


The filter is not active.

(Sorry, I forgot to mention that I already checked that - I will update the post).

So, I don’t see why this would not show up. If there is an involvement relationship between an actor and an Op Capability and that both are in the diagram, then the relation between the two should show up naturally.
The other possibility I see is that the link may have been hidden? (you can select the link ind hit Ctrl+H). In that case you can switch to the “Visibility Mode” and the link would appear, and then unhide it:


Problem disappeared:

My colleague has rebuilt the diagram in a new project and now the links are visible

The only difference (as he recalls) is that this time around he selected to build all of the diagrams (OA, SA, LA, PA).

Sorry I cannot provide more details. But now he is a happy Capella user :slight_smile:

Well, that is good to hear. I don’t get what he did the first time, what did he select compared to the second one?

His best guess is the difference happened at this step:


In the original project (with invisible lines), he did not select all the options.

When he recreated the project, he selected all the options.

Sorry we cannot be more specific.
