I’m trying to export a ReqIF file from Capella, but I don’t understand how I can do that. Is it possible and do you know where i can find a tutorial ?
Also, I tried to import a ReqIf file in Capella but I have this error message and I don’t understand what to
means so if someone have an idea to fix that I would really appreciate !
Regarding export, as far as I know there is no feature to export requirements from Capella to the ReqIf format. Maybe someone else has some information about this.
Regarding import, there is indeed a restriction on the content of the ReqIf file you can import.
You may create a module in your ReqIf file by importing the file into Capella (with the Requirement Addon installed), and opening it with the reqif editor. A sample reqif file with the correct structure can be found in the test projects.
Hi @ArnaudDieumegard I have managed to import a ReqIF to my project, however, the user attributes (e.g. VnV status) that I have created in Doors module were not imported into Capella against each requirement.
As you already know, the embedded documentation (Eclipse Menu > Windows > Help Content > Requirement addon section) and specifically the section related to the importer preferences contains the information for the import of custom attributes.
I have no access to DOORS so I cannot generate the actual ReqIf file so it may be the reason why it is not working. If you could share a sample file then maybe we can find the problem.
I have managed to import your Sample_CustomAttributes.reqif file and the attributes are shown. However, the “Quality Status” is not shown in the project explorer.
In a different attempt, I have tried and reset all filters in the project explorer.
Same result.
I still can’t import my attributes in my ReqIF file.
In the sample I provided it was on purpose that I did not provide a value for the Quality Status attribute for Requirement 1 (a matter of testing what happens when an attribute value is not provided while the attribute is specified). So this is a perfectly normal behavior.
Under Capella with the Requirement VP installed, you can open the ReqIf file and edit it to add a value to the value and you will then be able to import it:
Thank you @ArnaudDieumegard for all your help and availability.
I was now able to import all the attributes from Doors - > REQIF - > Capella.
In addition, to importing I was able to do a round-trip, that is, in Capella I traced textual requirements to model elements; exported to a .csv file - > Doors.
A new attribute was created in Doors that contains the traced element.
I did select and used the Mass Visualization (Mass Editing view can also be used) to capture requirements, traceability and attributes in a table format as below:
The table above is after some work on columns re-ordering and hiding and showing columns.
Then it is ready to export to a .csv file by selecting, as you may know, “View Menu” (three vertical dots).
You can then import the .csv file, if you wish, to a requirements management tool (e.g., IBM Doors). It should update any fields after some work on the .csv file.
A note to the above: any updates to the requirements text or attributes (not recommended in Capella if being managed in an external requirements management tool), will be exported to .csv file and reflected in a requirements management tool.
Hi all,
By using Python4Capella and pyreqif I managed to write a raw script capable of exporting to ReqIF, though with some limitations related to the support to ReqIF types provided by pyreqif.
Requirements viewpoint cannot export ReqIF by itself, however there seems to be ongoing work on Atica4Capella - Requirement management toolbox – an extension of Requirements VP that provides ReqIF export from Capella.
I’ve had the same error as the OP when importing ReqIF to Capella, it was caused by invalid XHTML issues like:
presence of data-XXX attributes in <a> tags
presence of <u> tags
nesting of <ul> and <ol> without wrapper <li> tags
All of these are valid in plain old HTML and were caused by copy & paste from a PDF, but they are not allowed in XHTML. Capella’s ReqIF importer should be more robust, or at least give a meaningful error message instead of confusing “no Module”.
I found the XHTML issues using VSCode with RedHat XML extension that validates ReqIF against XML schema. It works automatically if the ReqIF header contains at least this:
(the namespace prefix xhtml can be named differently depending on the exporting RM tool)
Another thing that breaks Capella’s fragile ReqIF importer is when the ReqIF.ForeignID attribute (defined as <ATTRIBUTE-DEFINITION-STRING>) values contain any non-numeric characters – it fails with “Load ReqIF resource - class java.lang.String cannot be cast to class java.math.BigInteger”. Tools like ReqView have a special checkbox for that in their ReqIF export for Capella.