How to insert the AIDAArchitecture example?

Hi all,

I try to insert the AIDAArchitecture example to capella 6.0, but I got two errors. Does someone know how to fix it?

the link for the AIDAA : AIDA / AIDAArchitecture · GitLab

Wrong model version detected Please have a look at documentation about project migration. | Error
Some viewpoints are missing | Error |

The AIDA page you are pointing at mentions “Capella model : contains the Capella models. Required environment : Capella 5.2 with the following add-ons : PVMT + Diagram Styler”
If you want to open it with Capella 6.0, you need to install first the PVMT add-on, then migrate your model


Thanks, I will try it

Hi StephaneLacramps,

I installed the PVMT+DS, and tried to migrate the AIDA 4.5 to capella 6.1, but still show the same error.

Did I take the wrong step? Thanks

Some viewpoints are missing
The viewpoint ‘org.polarsys.capella.vp.requirements’ is missing
The viewpoint ‘org.polarsys.capella.vp.mass’ is missing
The viewpoint ‘org.polarsys.kitalpha.vp.requirements’ is missing

Well, I suppose that from the error you get, you’re missing the Requirement Viewpoint and the Basic Mass viewpoint. So you would need to install them as well.