Functional Exchange in Project Explorer

Actually two questions here:

  1. Somehow (and suddenly) my Project Explorer is also showing all functional exchanges related to each SF (in the project tree). How do I hide this again? It makes my tree a lot larger and I loose overview this way.
  2. In a SDFB, when hiding a Functional Exchange, how do I make it appear again? I can see it is there with the semantic browser on the in/output ports and functions (obviously), but when selecting the FE I can’t seem to get it unhidden in the related SDFB.
    Regards, and have a good weekend,

You may want to check the Help section.

  1. Check the filters of the Project Explorer view : Workbench User Guide > Tasks > Navigating and finding resources
  2. Check the button Show/Hide in : Sirius > Sirius User Manual, § Features Overview
    Hope it helps

Definitely did, thank you!