Failed to open a project after deleting referenced library

I was practicing creating a library and referencing it in a project (the EOLE example in the book: Systems Architecture Modeling with Arcadia Method, section 4.9) I’ve went through all the steps with no problem then deleted the library I created to define domain data types. Now when I attempt to open the project that referenced this library, I get an error message ```

Some referenced libraries are missing in the workspace

I know that wasn’t a smart move from my side, but is there anyway to overcome this issue?

Perhaps you can “detach” the Lib:

Open your model, right click on the .aird file and open “Model Detachment”. You will find your Lib as “unknown resource” - detach it. Have a look at the documentation/help first. Make a backup before…

Of course all the information from the lib will be lost in your model but you should be able to open it again.