Exchange Items Propagation

Is there a way to propagate Exchange Items allocated to Functional Exchanges to the respective Component Exchanges carrying those Functional Exchanges?

The idea is to use the Mass Visualization view to show for each Component Exchange:

  • the Functional Exchange being carried;
  • all the Exchange Items being allocated to the carried Functional Exchanges.

Hi @Vinz913,

Yes, Capella does provide a feature to propagate Exchange Items to Functional Ports and then Function Ports to Component Exchanges:

  • Right-click the functional exchange then Modelling AcceleratorPropagate Exchange Items to Function Ports
  • To allocate the same Functional Exchange double click on the Component Exchange and select the same Exchange Item.
  • Finally , select all relevant Component Exchanges and send to Mass Visualisation. Hide and show, and re-order columns.

I hope that works.
Hélder Castro

Hi Hélder,
thanks for the reply. Indeed, this is the way I was proceeding but I was wondering wheatear there was an automatic propagation from FEs to FPs to CEs to avoid allocating manually the EIs to the CEs again as the list of EIs can become a long one :slight_smile: