Error while creating diagrams and impossibility to edit functional chains

Hi all,
I’m quite new to Capella / Arcadia and I’m currently on my learning curve, feeling that i’m still at the beginning.
Before writing this post I searched a lot in the forum and on the web, but couldn’t find anything, therefore, apologies in advance if this topic is already discussed.
I’m modeling a system and started at the logical level, because the system architecture was existing, hence I needed to be quick and didn’t need to do the system analysis phase. Reading across the available resources, and seeing the various webinars, it looks like this is allowed by the Arcadia method. However, I have the feeling that this may have other implications.
In particular, I have created LAB diagrams with components and functions allocated to them, created functional exchange as well as components exchange and finally functional chains. Now I want to create Functional Chain Description diagrams to edit the functional chains and assemble them, but I couldn’t find any way to create this, as the contextual menu of the functional chain is missing. Also, if I try to create exchange scenarios I get the message Diagram
“Component Exchange Scenario” cannot be created. The same happens for functional exchanges:
Diagram “Functional Scenario” cannot be created.
When I do this operation, a capability is created automatically (
CapabilityRealization 1) within the model tree, but although this I’m not able of creating any of the diagrams above.
What am I missing?
Thank you for your support.

Hi Guiseppe,
You are right, Arcadia allows you to start at the logical level (even at the physical level if you want).
Also a good resource for starting:
Now I don’t see any reason why you should not be able to create and modify Functional chains through FCD diagrams.
What Capella version do you use? What Java version? What OS?
Would you be able to share your model, or a simplified version of it so that I can reproduce your problem and see what is happening?

Hi Stephane,
thanks for your reply and for the link to the tutorial (already had a read to it ).
I must say that in another project with a model present at system analysis level, I can create FCD diagrams and scenario diagrams… But in this project I followed the full method (somehow) and used it for training. Therefore, I would exclude issue related to the version of Capella, Java or OS. However, I report them for completeness:
Capella version: 1.4.0
Java version: 1.8
OS: Windows 10
I replicated a simple model with few components, functions and connections as in the model that I’m using. Also in this replicated project I can’t edit functional chain and get the same error when I create the scenarios diagrams. You can find it attached.
I hope it can be helpful…


OK, I see the issue. When you created your project, you selected only a subset of the Capella available viewpoints, but not the Common one. FCDs are hosted in the Common viewpoints, as other diagrams like mode and states, scenarios, data diagrams…
To fix your issue, right-click on the .aird file and choose “Viewpoint Selection” and select the common viewpoint and you should be good.

That’s super!
It was actually that. I didn’t realise that haven’t selected the Common viewpoint.
Thanks for your support Stephane!