Deploying an RPL of a BehavioralPC onto a NodePC

Hello everyone,

Whenever I instantiate a REC which is a BehaviorPC, I can only deploy it onto another BehaviorPC and never onto a NodePC, not even if I select the NodePC when starting the instantiation.

Is this normal? Is there a way to achieve the deployment?

Many thanks!

have you enabled the multiple deployment option in Window > Preferences > Capella > Model?


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Thank you. I hadn’t, so I tried to, but I am still unable do deploy any RPL onto a NodePC. Are you able to do that?

Many thanks

please find below a simple case with REC and RPL PC Nodes.


I start from this PAB with both REC and RPL “PC 2” nodes deployed.


Then I try to deploy a Behavior PC to PPC-B.
When multiple deployment is not enabled, the Manage Behavior PCs Deployment Transfer Dialog appears as

whereas if mutltiple deployment is enabled, the Manage Behavior PCs Deployment Transfer Dialog appears as

and the deployment of either REC or RPL “PC 2” to PPC-1 is allowed.
Both REC and RPL could be deployed,

Please check, by using the contextual menu in the Project Explorer that the multiple deployment option is enabled for that specific project.