Deletion from Entity Scenario diagram


I have a question regarding deleting elements from an OES, unlike what happens with other diagrams, when I select any element in an OES, the “Delete from Diagram” button is not activated and only the “Delete from Model” button is active.
I tried to use this “Delete from Model” one, and it only delete from the OES diagram and the elements remain existing in other diagrams such as the OAB.
Does using this button have a side effect that I’m not aware of or that does not appear at the current phase, and will affect the model later on? Or is it having the same effect as the “Delete from Diagram”?

Appreciate your help.


What you delete is not the entity (OES) nor the activity (OAS) the function (xFS) nor the component (xES/xIS) but only its instance created for this diagram. Both are supposed to have the same name by Capella, to ease management and readability, but it could be different. Same for sequence message : they are instances of exchanges.
Hoping it helps

Thanks Thierry for your reply, what confuses me is that, unlike all the other diagrams, in the OES the “Delete from diagram” option is dimmed and only the “Delete from model” is activated (when I choose an activity for example). So I wonder why is this the case?


When working in a structure diagram, all objects are main objects, so if you delete them from model, they disappear from the model and all views from which they were mentioned. If you delete a box function, component, state), the connected links (exchange, state transition) are deleted with. Delete from diagram is almost equivalent to hide, the object is not shown, that’s all.

When working in a sequence diagram, you see instances, deleting an instance (local “copy”) will not delete the main object, but only its representation in the diagram you are working out. As this instance is only there, the precedent choice as no sense: only delete from model is useable to delete the local instance.

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Thanks Thierry, It makes sense now. Appreciate your explanation.


Hello, thanks for the explanation, @Thierry_Poupon ;
I am using Capella 6.1 and the only way to delete an interaction from an OES diagram is to delete it from the model, which deletes it from the model and from other diagrams… I am forced to create new OES every time as I cannot use an existing one and clone it since I cannot delete objects from the diagram. Plus, if by mistake I add the wrong activity or interaction or entity to the diagram, I have to delete it all and start again. Is this the way it works? Please.
Thank you.