Creating a Physical Architecture Blank Diagram Extension

Hey there,

I’m currently facing some issues while trying to make the diagram extension work. I’ve gone ahead and created a diagram extension element in my .odesign file, but now I’m encountering a few roadblocks:

  1. I’m not entirely sure how to determine the necessary “viewpoint uri.” I attempted to use the interpreter on an “Architecture Blank Diagram” and executed the query aql:self.description.eResource(). This provided me with the result: platform:/plugin/org.polarsys.capella.core.sirius.analysis/description/physical.odesign, which seems promising. Is this the correct approach?

  2. Also, I’m wondering if the Representation Name I’ve used is correct. Based on my research, it appears to be “Physical Architecture” as indicated within the physical.odesign file. Can anyone confirm if this is the right representation name?

I’ve given this combination a try with some sample content, but I’m not seeing any changes reflected in the [PAB] diagram. On a side note, is there any documentation related to this that I might be missing?

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,


The diagrams are done using “Sirius”, and you can find some examples here Sirius | Get Started ( but i think it’s easier to look at existing working samples. The latest is cybersecurity sample.
You can retrieve the source code and import into your environnement all the plugins from the plugin folder.
The odesign is located in the plugins/xxx.sirius.analysis plugin and it provides some new diagrams or layers on Physical diagrams.

In your case it will be “Physical Architecture Blank”. the name of representation is the “name” that appear in the properties view when you click onto the pab diagram in Physical.odesign. it is also defined here

In filtering addon, we use .* to ease the registration on all possible addons.
viewpointURI="viewpoint:/org.polarsys.capella.core.sirius.analysis/.*" representationName=".*"

On cybersecurity, it is enabled on all architecture diagrams and scenario,
