Create a relationship between Node PCs and Exchange Items

Hi All,

I have two models; one model of the product. The other models the service system related to the product.

In the product model I represent parts of the system using Node PCs as expected.
In the service model the Node PCs represent more abstract service related concepts e.g. service centres. The functions performed by the service centres act upon the product system; with the product undergoing various (service related) transformations. As such; the product is therefore the exchange item in the service model.

I would like a way to relate these two concepts and show some traceability that various aspects of the product become exchange items in another model.

Is there anyway to link the concept of a Node PC also being represented by an Exchange Item? Either generically, or applicable in this concept.
Should there be a different way of approaching this?

Note 1: In this example image I used the “data” type of exchange item, this should really be a “flow” but doesn’t affect the point I am trying to make.

Note: 2 I did experiment with using Generic Traces but there appears to be a bug that means that Generic/Requirement Traces (accessed via RightClick–>Wizards–>TraceManager) does not show in the semantic browser for NodePCs or BehaviourPCs. I dont think they work at all for BehaviourPCs. Also, a generic link isnt really as strong as I would like the relationship to be.



There is a way to put generic trace links in Capella, maybe that would fit your need?