Capella Modeling for a Java Application

I’m trying to plan and model a Java Application I am writing.

I’m confused as I would like to know if there is a way to import the Java Libraries so that I would not have to create every class datatype.

For instance: I want to create a class that has a property which has a datatype of But this is not one of the generic predefined type.

Check this out: Help - Eclipse Platform
EMF Overview → scroll down to “Data Types”. IIRC, this also requires you to import the project to be able to “see” the library datatypes.

That is not what Capella is made for. You may be successful though, as Arcadia/Capella are quite generic in a sense. But keep in mind that “Arcadia is a tooled method devoted to systems & architecture engineering, supported by Capella modelling tool”, primarily used for supporting Systems Engineering activities, not a Software Design modelling tool.

I had a similar thought as the original poster, but for a different programming language. (My brain has been infected by the Arcadia meme/virus).

I am not a professional coder. Are there frameworks similar to Arcadia for programming?

(This is definitely off-topic for this forum, so feel free to ignore).

Understand that this is not what Capella is made for.

Couldn’t a piece of software be a system in itself? If that is the case, wouldn’t you want to plan and design a model for what your software is going to look like?

I know that I want to develop my piece of software with the Java Development Language but rather that throwing it together as I code, I would like to plan it out first and then develop based on the plan. I’m not looking to recreate the wheel while planning though.

Yes in that case, you can use Capella. Basically, Capella is an architecture tool, implementing the Arcadia method, Arcadia being a “method devoted to systems & architecture engineering”.
So if your plan is to do software architecture , go for it.
Capella is not a low level design tool. It won’t be great for designing a specific piece of algorithm for instance.

Well, yes, quite a large question I suppose, one could look into agile development methodologies I suppose, etc…