Capella Error when loading .aird-file

Hello everyone,
I am a bit desperate.

When I tried to continue working on my Capella project as usual (Capella 6.0), there was an error regarding the .aird-file.

Error while loading representations file

org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl$1DiagnosticWrappedException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseExceptionpublicId: platform:/resource/Vessel%20with%20WAD/Vessel%20with%20WAD.aird; systemId: platform:/resource/Vessel%20with%20WAD/Vessel%20with%20WAD.aird; lineNumber: 2; columnNumber: 1982; XML-Dokumentstrukturen mĂĽssen innerhalb derselben Entity beginnen und enden.

I am unable to open / load the project, for reasons that I do not comprehend as I did nothing differently. It should be noted that I did not close Capella for some time and always saved my work using the save button, as usual.

I would attach the .log file so maybe someone that knows about this could take a look, but as a new user I cannot upload files at the moment.

I would really appreciate your help as it is a very important and time restrained project for me.

Thank you in advance and best regards,

It looks like the .aird file is corrupted (which I have almost never seen happening…) - I would open the file with a textual editor like PSPad and try to see what is going on at line 2 column 1982… (it is an XML file)

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Hi Stephane!
Thank you for your answer.
The file was strongly corrupted and therefore I could not take a deeper look, the data was lost.

Lessons learned: Always close Capella & shut down your PC, if you work in Capella and “only” save to workspace without closing the program, a file corruption can happen. Although probably very unlikely.