Capella 1.3.0 has been released !

Capella 1.3.0 has been released.
The release notes for Capella 1.3.0 is available on this Wiki page [1]
Capella 1.3.0 is available for download on the Capella website [2]
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Among 42 bugfixes and 47 enhancements, some interesting topics:
Mass Editing & Visualization in Capella:
New layers to manage hidden elements
The “Visibility Mode” allows to visualize all diagram elements either visible or invisible because of a filter or a previous hiding action. Invisible elements will be shown with transparency.
Capella Tips & Tricks are up-to-date with all facilities to improve user daily work
Navigation menu

  • Select elements without selecting the element behind the first click
  • On diagrams, you can now select many elements and highlight them in Capella Project Explorer.
  • New diagram selection tools for your most used selection routines (selects all the diagram elements that have the same type, selects owned ports…)
    Best regards,
    Philippe DUL

Quick question: is there a recommended java version for Capella 1.3?
The wiki currently states that
“Capella requires Java Runtime Environment version 1.7 update or later installed in the computer: recommended version is jre-7u60-windows-i586.exe or later.
Note: For Capella 64bit Version, recommended version is jre-7u60-windows-x64.exe or later.”
Is it still the case with Capella 1.3?

for Capella 1.3 and 1.2, the recommended version is 1.8.0_121_64b.
The wiki will be updated soon, some wiki updates have to be merged by committers.
Just for information, in Capella Help 1.3, there is a new section dedicated to installation recommendation for the product and addons.
Best regards,

Thanks Michel.
BTW, about the documentation, I noticed lately that the online version is gone, are you aware of that and do you know if it will be brought back up ?

Just to be sure, by “section dedicated to installation recommendation”, you meant the “Capella Performance Recommandations” section ?

With Capella 1.3.0, there is a section in “How to install Capella and Addons”, see attachment.
With next Capella 1.3.0, this section will be moved under Capella User Manual and named “Installation Guide”.
Best regards,

Hi Michel,
Well, very strange but I do not have this entry in the Capella help, although do I have a Capella 1.3.0 version installed.

Sorry, “Installation Guide” appears in Capella 1.3.1.
In Capella 1.3.0, have a look inside Capella Guide > User Manual > First steps with Capella > How to install Capella and Addons ?
Best regards,

Hi Michel,
I can’t find this page in Capella 1.3.0 either. Maybe it would be nice if you can update the wiki soon if this page is missing (and also accessing the installation page in Capella help means that… you have already successfully installed the tool).

I’m investigating the impacts of moving to Capella v1.3.0. We are currently using SVN for model baselines (SCM), and Team4Capella for dynamic multi-user model developments. Unfortunately, I think I’m finding SVN Connectors is not supported with robustness (eg SVNKit 1.8.14) now that Capella has moved to Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen). I see information about using instead EGit. Can anyone give me some tips on what EGit would be most stable to start an experiment with my test installation of Capella v1.3.0?