Are there predefined viewpoints?

Hello everyone,

  • Can viewpoints only be applied to the project by code? Or are there viewpoints predefined?
  • What is the meaning of A1, A2, A3, F1,…F6, C1…C11? Are them viewpoints predefined? if there are predefined, what is the meaning of each one? could you provide any web to read more information about that?

Thank you in advance.

Isabel Gómez

Hi Isabel,
Maybe you’ll have a better understanding of this schema if you’re looking at the complete one on this page: Capella MBSE Tool - Arcadia
A1/A2/A3 are Operational Activities
F1…Fx are System Functions
C1…Cx are Logical Components…

Also you should start by watching this video: The spirit of Arcadia and Capella in 7 minutes - YouTube and then look at the training content here: Capella MBSE Tool - Training Material

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OK… So just to confirm: Ax, Fx, Cx are blocks which you select in each layer (actually, selected in Palette window) to add in the scheme, aren’t them?

Thanks for the references and thank you so much for all your comments, Stephane.

Isabel Gómez

I would say Yes.

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