AQL for Viewpoint Development

I was wondering if there was any documentation for viewpoint development, particularly on how to use queries and AQL. While digging through the basic mass viewpoint, I found the “provided-by query “<%getMassObjects()%>”” line. I have been unable to find where the getMassObjects() function is or how to recreate this usage in my own project.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you,

the stuff in <% %> is actually old stuff, you don’t want to use this for new developments. Use [aql: …] _Queries.html
The only way to find the getMassObjects() method is to do via Java Search -> Search method declarations.

Thank you, do you know why the custom viewpoints do it through aql instead of the “provided-by association external emde.ExtensibleElement.ownedExtensions” method? I got my model working through that without a problem, but am worried I am missing out on some advanced functionality.
Thank you again,

For using emde.ExtensibleElement.ownedExtensions, your metamodel (viewpoint) must follows eMDE extension. See some documentation here: _Extensibility-1.0.0.pdf
use queries, java services or other associations in other use cases. You can see them as different ways to do samething. But with queries and Java services you can do complex requests in contrary of indicating just the association which contains the elements!
For Basic Mass, extends capella metamodel which follows eMDE extension. For this reason basic mass works with ownedExtensions or Java service!

Thank you for the response! I think I’ll stick with eMDE extensions for now and see if I want to complexify my requests.