Add custom attribues to existing logicalFunction

I want to add new attributes to a logicalFunction and keep the existing ones.
To do that, I have extended the logicalFunction and invoked it as a superClass.
In the diagram file, I have imported the LogicalComponent as as a
container that contains my new created element in the data file. The domain context is my new Class “exteded function” which is provided by association external “ownedExtensions”.
In the project explorer, I can create an instance of the extended function by going on the root logical function and add new capella element function without problems.
And when I drag and drop it from the project explorer in the logical component it looks like what I want to have a logical function with additional attributes that I can connect with other functions and so on.
My problem is with the element provided in the palette. When I drag and drop it the logical component,
it looks different because of the style but the real problem is that the new created function doesn’t appear in the project explorer, and function exchange seems to be illegal.
I think there is something wrong with my diagram part.
How can I achieve my need in a sophisticated way?
