# include needed for the Capella modeller API include('workspace://Python4Capella/simplified_api/capella.py') if False: from simplified_api.capella import * # include needed for the PVMT API include('workspace://Python4Capella/simplified_api/pvmt.py') if False: from simplified_api.pvmt import * # include needed for utilities include('workspace://Python4Capella/utilities/CapellaPlatform.py') if False: from utilities.CapellaPlatform import * # include needed to read/write xlsx files from openpyxl import * # include needed for the requirement API include('workspace://Python4Capella/simplified_api/requirement.py') if False: from simplified_api.requirement import * aird_path = '/TMS_test_5/TMS_test_5.aird' model = CapellaModel() model.open(aird_path) se = model.get_system_engineering() allLC = se.get_all_contents_by_type(LogicalComponent) allPVs = [] print('start') for lc in allLC: for pvName in PVMT.get_p_v_names(lc): if pvName not in allPVs: allPVs.append(pvName) for lc in allLC: print(lc.get_name()) for pvName in allPVs: print(pvName,PVMT.get_p_v_value(lc, pvName)) print('end')