Were missions removed?

I can’t find a way to add missions in OCB diagrams, as shown in the Arcadia book and in some illustration/tutorials, were they removed in a later version?

You’ll find some answers here:

Also, here is a workaround:
You can change the image in your OCB diagram so that a Capability is shown as a Mission: Select an Operational Capability, click on the properties window, select the Appearance tab, and select the image icon (the one which says “Set style to workspace image”) and put the following path: /org.polarsys.capella.core.sirius.analysis/description/images/Mission.svg and click ok, that will do the trick.
I hope this helps.

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hello ,
@Stephane LACRAMPE , can you please specify the cappella version that we have this possiblity to change image from OC to Mission , i think currently this option are not long available .

Hi John,
I just tried on Capella 1.4.0 and it worked fine. I know it works for Capella 1.3.x as well.
Let me know what’s not working for you.

thank you for your quick replay , i think i’m loocking in other area .
can you please share a printscreen where appear apparence tab .

Yes, see the image attached.

Capabilities to Missions.png
Capabilities to Missions.png

thank you very much for your support & involvement , just one question the full support of Operational mission will be not planned in the comming version ?

I don’t know John as I am not part of the dev team. I have not heard that it is in the next release. But we welcome external funding helping to improve Capella!