XHTML DocGen 1.3.2 for Capella 1.3.1 is available.
Update site: https://download.eclipse.org/capella/addons/xhtmldocgen/upda tes/release/1.3.2/
note: requires to add the emf query update site http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/query/updates/relea ses/ to the Available Software List
Dropins: http://download.eclipse.org/capella/addons/xhtmldocgen/dropi ns/release/1.3.2/CapellaXHTMLDocGen- la-1.3.1-dropins.zip
This release includes the following modifications/improvements:
Performance improvement
User eXperience improvement:
Progress bar feedback improvement
Details the progress of the different generation phases
New contents
Navigable tree of diagrams in architecture level page
Navigable tree of applied (legacy) requirements on model elements pages
Status and review information displayed on each page
Progress overview table displayed in root model page
ComponentExchanges and PhysicalLinks dedicated pages
New sections in the Function and Component Port pages
Content improvements
Diagrams navigation: resolving issues of overlapping elements
Various fixes: ExchangeItems, StateMachine, Component, Function, Exchanges pages
Content extension
Support the contribution with new HTML page and content generation
Enable/disable generation of the new pages: FunctionalExchange, ComponentExchange and PhysicalLink
Enable/disable generation of the Progress Overview and the status
This release includes the following fixes:
ticket 2536
ticket 2539
ticket 2547
ticket 2648
ticket 2649
ticket 2654
ticket 2656
ticket 2658
ticket 2659
ticket 2666
ticket 2672
ticket 2673
ticket 2675
Nota: This version will enable the Requirements add-on to contribute to the xhtml documentation generation. This feature is activated with upcoming Requirements VP add-on releases (v0.10.3 and higher).