M2DOC "Physical Architecture Blank"

Hi all,
I have another question about generation with “Physical Architecture Blank” diagram.
How can I fill my document with the diagram and description of all components present in this diagram ?
I found examples with others types of diagrams but not for “Physical Architecture Blank” diagram.
Someone can help me ?

Capella representations are based on Sirius. To handle it you need to use associated services. See
http://www.m2doc.org/ref-doc/nightly/m2doc_service_m2docsiri usservices.html
Service "
EObject.asImageByRepresentationDescriptionName(String) : Sequence{org.obeonetwork.m2doc.element.MImage}" could be used. It returns for an object the sequence of diagrams matching name in parameter.
For instance:
self.asImageByRepresentationDescriptionName(‘System Architecture Blank’) return all System Architecture Blank of ‘self’.

Thanks Samuel,
I put this in my template :
{m:for im | self.asImageByRepresentationDescriptionName(‘Physical Architecture Blank’)}
but it return nothing.

Well, syntax seems correct (assuming
self is a Physical Component)